Public Health Infrastructure, Capacity Building Analysis and Communications
Public Health

The Cloudburst Group was awarded a Task Order to provide Management Consultation and Technical Assistance to the Coordinated State Support Branch of CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP). Under this Public Health Infrastructure, Capacity Building Analysis, and Communications Task Order, The Cloudburst Group provided expert analysis, writing, and communication support to the Coordinated State Support Branch to help them establish a knowledge base regarding states’ chronic disease prevention and health promotion capacities, organization, best practices, and other cross-cutting activities in state health departments.
The Cloudburst Group conducted analysis and summarized information from CDC that characterized health promotion and chronic disease priorities and priority strategies of states, as well as major infrastructure and organizational structures and processes in state government that support health promotion and chronic disease prevention. In addition, The Cloudburst Group organized and managed a collaborative process with individual State Health Departments to identify, document, and summarize innovations in prevention activities, infrastructure and capacity-building, and health promotion and chronic disease prevention. These innovations in prevention activities were also analyzed and summarized into best practice guidelines.
The Cloudburst Group also provided training and technical assistance to grantees to help them develop and market programmatic success stories around infrastructure and capacity building. Training on the use of success story tools and advice to technical staff regarding the maintenance and updating of success story tools systems was provided as needed. The Cloudburst Group developed an infrastructure and capacity building Success Story repository to include print ready stories from every grantee.
Finally, under this Task Order, The Cloudburst Group prepared material on infrastructure and capacity building activities for briefings and presentations, and assisted in the design of a new website. The Cloudburst Group provided web content that uses the internet to disseminate information developed through this Task Order.