What We Do What We Do What We Do What We Do What We Do

Our Services

The Cloudburst Group’s team of thought leaders, innovators, and seasoned practitioners provides deep expertise on critical issues across our practice areas.

Practice Areas

Survivor Services

Survivor Services

We advance interdisciplinary, survivor-centered solutions for prevention and response to reduce harm around the globe.

Public Health

Public Health

We improve public and behavioral health services, policies, and practices.

Environment and Climate Resiliency

Environment and Climate Resiliency

We support environmental sustainability and community wellbeing through disaster risk reduction, response, and recovery.

Global Development

Global Development

We support underserved populations in land tenure, environment, food security, and democracy, human rights, and governance.

Housing and Community Development

Housing and Community Development

We strengthen housing, community, and economic development programs across the United States to address low- to moderate-income community...

State and Local Consulting

State and Local Consulting

We help nonprofits and state and local governments develop and manage solutions to address community, economic, and environmental issues.

Homeless Assistance Programs

Homeless Assistance Programs

We fight homelessness, housing discrimination, and the impacts of public health and natural disasters on America’s most vulnerable citizens.